Rabu, 08 Mei 2013



Nama Kelompok :

AIRIN AKTE SAVIRA    (20210444)



The Effect of Inflation, interest rate, exchange rate, and GDP growth Toward Indonesia Composite Index. This research aims to investigate empirically the effect of selected macroeconomic variables, i.e., inflation rate, Bank Indonesia Certificate rate, the exchange rate on IDR, and GDP growth on Indonesia Composite Index at The Indonesia Stock Exchanges (IDX). This paper examines the direct effect of selected macroeconomic variabel on Indonesia Composite Index. The paper employs a regression model analysis. The result indicates that only the exchange rate on IDR significantly effects to Indonesia Composite Index. The inflation rate, Bank Certificate rate, and GDP growth do not effect to Indonesia Composite Index. This research only covers four selected macroeconomic variables. Therefore, further research should examine other potential macroeconomic variables.

Macroeconomic environment is the environment that affect day-to-day company operations. The ability of investors to understand and predict macroeconomic conditions in the future will very useful in making profitable investment decisions.
Therefore, an investor should consider several indicators macroeconomic may assist investors in making decisions investment. Macroeconomic indicators often associated with capital markets, fluctuations in interest rates, inflation, exchange rate dollars, and GDP growth. In theory, the interest rate and the price stocks have a negative correlation (Tandelilin, 2010). Interest rate too high will affect the present value (present value) of cash flow company, so the investment opportunities that exist will not interesting again. High interest rates also will increase the capital cost will be borne by the company and will also cause investors signaled the return of an investment will increased. Similarly, inflation, high inflation is usually associated with economic conditions that are too hot
(Overheated). That is, the economic conditions experienced demand for a product that exceeds the capacity of its product offerings, so prices tend to rise. Inflation is too high also will cause a decrease in the purchasing power of money (purchasing power of money). In addition, high inflation could also reduce the level of real income derived from the investment of investors. Exchange rate is the macroeconomic variables that influence price volatility stock.
Depreciation of the domestic currency will increase the volume of exports. When the international market demand is sufficiently elastic it will improve the cash flow of domestic firms, which then increase the stock price, which is reflected in the index. Conversely, if the issuer to buy domestic product, and have debt in the form of dollar stock price will go down. Depreciation of the exchange rate will increase reflected in the stock price index in the economy is experiencing inflation. Gross Domestic Product (GDP), including factors affecting the stock price changes. GDP estimates will determine the development of the economy. GDP comes from the amount of consumer goods including capital goods which are not. With the increasing number of consumer goods led the economy grow, and increase the scale of the sales turnover of the company, because the consumptive society. With the increase in the sales turnover of the company increased profits. Increase in profit caused the company's stock price also increased, which affects the JCI movement. In recent years, the index Indonesia Stock Exchange stock market showed an increase in the quite dramatically, from the level of 416.32 at the end of 2000 to 2534.36 by the end of 2009, an increase of 508.75 percent. Although a high index growth was hampered on In 2008 due to the global crisis that affects the performance of stock markets around the world including the Indonesia Stock Exchange index decreased by 50.64 percent from the previous year, but rapid regrowth occurred in 2009 in the amount of 86.98 percent from 2008. Indonesia's GDP growth from year 2000 to 2009 showed uptrend, although GDP growth had declined in 2001. The existence of the rising trend of GDP growth is in line with the rising trend of JCI. In theory can be explained that the increase in GDP may increase consumer purchasing the product-produkperusahaan thereby increasing profitability. With the increased profitability of the company can boost investor confidence in order to increase the stock price stock. The "portfolio balance"
assumes the stock as part of the wealth so as to affect behavior of the exchange rate through the legal demand for money in accordance with the model monetarists of exchange rate determination.

Types of research data into quantitative data including the period
observations from 2000 through 2009. Sources of data used in this study are secondary data data supporting the study variables. Data from the independent variables in this study, namely: the rate of inflation, SBI interest rate, exchange rate, and GDP growth. Data from the dependent variable is the index. Research object, the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Year period of study 2000 to 2009. Data obtained from the information and reports from the Indonesia Stock Exchange, Bank Indonesia and the Central Bureau of Statistics. The study included one dependent variable index which is a change or sham price movement of all listed companies on the Stock Exchange as measured at the end of each month.
While the independent variable is the rate of inflation, SBI interest rate, exchange rate against the U.S. dollar and GDP growth. Measurement of inflation rate originated from The pace of Inflation who recorded and published by BPS each the end of month, interest rate SBI calculated of the average SBI three monthly, while it exchange rate of Rupiah against American Dollar which used is the middle rate rupiah, whereas the GDP growth calculated from the data of GDP growth used 3 monthly.

Data analysis methods are used by multiple regression analysis. Hypothesis testing using t-test, while testing a regression model using the F test The significance level
used was 5%.

Results and Discussion
Data research data has been collected as much as 120 per month for 10
years from 2000 until 2009. The inflation rate has a minimum value of -0.36%, the maximum value of 7.93%, the mean of 0.68% and a standard deviation of 0.87%. Interest rates have a minimum value of 6.50%, the maximum value of 17.67%, 10.63% and a mean standard deviation of 3.28%. The rupiah has a minimum value of Rp7.425, 00, a maximum of Rp12.151, 00, a mean of Rp9.378, 62 and a standard deviation of Rp846, 58. GDP growth has a minimum value of -2.79%, a maximum value of 17.54%, 4.22%, and the mean deviation standard of 2.15%. JCI has a minimum value of 358.23, the maximum value of 2745.3, mean of 1160.00 and
standard deviation of 739.11.
To see the influence the whole variables freely against variable bound simultaneously obtained value of F amounting to 5.231 with p = 0.001. By because level of significance is smaller than 0.05 (0.001 <0.05), then the can be be concluded that the there are influence rate of inflation, interest rate SBI, exchange rate rupiah,
growth GDP simultaneously towards JCI in BEI. By because basis simultaneous
has a influence a significant, then the necessary tested respective influence-each independent variables basis partial. Testing is done with test t.
Inflation data based on statistics descriptive, the average rate of inflation during the study period of 0.68. The market is still could receive if the inflation rate under 10 percent. However, when inflation penetrate 10 percent, the stock market will

This research find that the level of inflation, interest rate SBI and growth GDP
does not have influence a significant against IHSG, whereas exchange rate of rupiah
influential negative and significant against the JCI. Research this proves that the variable exchange rate of rupiah affect negatively significant against the IHSG who does it mean increasingly stronger exchange rate of rupiah against U.S. $
(rupiah has appreciated) then the will increase the stock prices, and vice versa.
This case gives implication theoretical that the empirically these findings increasingly
strengthen the theory the strengthening exchange rate of eye money of a country give signal positive for the country economy. So that is practically the findings this
implies that the the government must always take the step-strategic steps for strengthen the level of exchange rate of eye his money.

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